Friday, July 26, 2013

Almost there

I am merely one hour away from my trip to Uganda. Although Fortune smiled upon me and cancelled a connecting flight which means I will start this holiday with a day in Thailand!  I have gathered a lot of clothing donations, $400 in cash (it will go to building a chicken coup business and a transport vehicle) and some toys and books too. 

Here is a photo of all the stuff I had to pack into suitcases. And there's more off-camera!

It was quite stressful packing all those things. Luckily they allowed me to board with a few extra kilos. I have around 52kg in tota!

I had trouble getting my old smart phone unlocked so I'm taking my new Samsung S3. Also taking an old one for when I am likely to get mugged.

Just like before China, I cannot imagine the adventures I will have and the wonderful people I will meet. It's going to be a great adventure and I still can't feel it coming or imagine what it will be like.

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