Thursday, August 1, 2013

African Living

The house was pretty much as advertised. An outhouse which I have yet to visit for a No. 2, and the shower consists of jerry cans which I must simply pour over myself. This latter part is the hardest as it is cold water and anyone who knows me would know that pouring cold water on myself is akin to self-flagellation. But, such is life (here) and so I must get used to this humbling experience :) There's no running water so it has to be brought in from outside somewhere. There is electricity though! 

My princess pad

Outside of the volunteer house

The outhouse

The place I go to wash my body

The house is frequented by friends and helpers so it’s like a close knit circle of family and friends who hang out with each other. There is also a helper boy (Jackson) and an admin girl (Lillian) which are always around. The children that sometimes come by are really happy and can have fun with almost anything! I try to learn a few words here and there but the language is difficult so they don’t stay in memory for long.

There’s also a volunteer here from Hungary / Switzerland called Cynthia. She is really cool and is doing well learning the language. She grew up in a rural area and so really feels at home here in Africa  She will go next week so I’ll be on my own from then with the locals. That should be interesting and force me to get out more around the community.

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