Monday, August 5, 2013

First School Visit

2 days ago I visited a small school for the local children who live around the community centre we’re building here. It was me, Cynthia and her brother. As soon as we arrived the children ran at us and latched on. They were really really happy and cute. Just loved to just simply hold our hands, legs, be picked up and carried and basically any interaction! 

Cynthia's brother managed to film the moment we arrived

Notice the 3rd kid wanting to be picked up!

The school they had was very rudimentary, pretty much like the images people would expect though it is quite another thing to actually be there and see them. 

Me being me had to be a bit rougher so I would throw them up, flip them around upside down and later gave them turns on a running piggy back. This was exhausting and may have been a mistake as I still had a whole day of construction ahead of me but was really fun. They seemed like they were going mad with happiness.

Cynthia’s brother took a lot of photos so I will get those when I get back home. I was lucky to trust one slightly older girl with my camera and she was able to go around taking photos for me.

The main purpose of this visit was to hand out the clothing donations. These kids really did often have old clothes and most didn’t have shoes. Many also had swollen bellies which I am told can be due to various reasons, all of them bad. It was deafening when I started to open the suitcase and proceeded to preview the stuff they’d receive. They were so excited! After a while they had to be beaten back, literally!

They were then put into a line so that they could all receive a toy while the clothes were handed out on a case by case basis. One of the donations was a bunch of stickers which they decided to stick on their foreheads. I still saw these stickers later in the day when I was going home and walking past their homes.

Breaking it down in her new skirt

It was a really good experience. These kids were very happy despite having very little possessions or even health. Many of the clothes were high quality so they really loved them. We stayed there for about an hour playing with them. 

I guess the most memorable thing about it all was how happy and excited they were to just run and hug me. I've never seen so many children being so happy and affectionate!

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